Prajitura cu lime, mac si mure & cream cheese frosting
- 85 g unt (nesarat, la temperatura camerei)
- 245 g zahar
- coaja rasa a 2 limete
- 50 g seminte de mac
- 170 ml lapte
- 235 g faina (cernuta)
- 2 lg praf de copt
- putina sare
- 3 albusuri de ou (batute spuma )
- 150 g mure (zdrobite cu furculita, piure)
Cream cheese frosting
- 130 g branza Philadelphia (foarte rece)
- 50 g unt (nesarat, la temperatura camerei)
- 250-300 g zahar pudra
Mod de preparare
1. | Incingem cuptorul la 170 grade C. Tapetam o tava circulara (removable bottom) cu unt si hartie pentru copt. |
2. | Amestecam bine untul, zaharul, coaja de lime si macul. Adaugam incet laptele, amestecand (consistenta nu va fi omogena). Intr-un alt vas mixam faina, praful de copt si sarea, apoi adaugam crema de mac, in 3 etape, amestecand bine de fiecare data. Razuim bine lateralele vasului pentru a incorpora si eventualele depuneri. Adaugam murele, amestecam usor. Adaugam albusurile spuma, amestecam usor. |
3. | Turnam aluatul in tava pregatita si coacem prajitura in cuptor 30 minute. |
4. | Lasam prajitura sa se raceasca in tava, apoi o scoatem din forma. Cand este complet rece, o decoram cu cream cheese frosting. |
Cream cheese frosting | |
5. | Amestecam bine cu mixerul zaharul si untul pana obtinem un amestec omogen. Adaugam cream cheese si amestecam aprox 5 minute, pana obtinem crema – frosting. Atentie! Daca amestecam in exces, se taie crema. |
Prajitura este delicioasa si daca folosim zmeura, capsune sau afine in locul murelor. Pofta buna!
English version: Lime, poppy seeds & blackberry cake with cream cheese frosting
I love poppy seeds! I love poppyseeds cakes and I keep thinking of a dessert we had some time ago in Germany, in Garmish. A kind of pie filled with an enormous quantity of poppy seeds. Crazy… It was winter, snow-capped mountains, hours and hours of walking to the lodge… We would have skied, if we knew how :) The path was so beautiful, the mountains so magnificent and dramatic, the lodge so perfect and cozy, that instantly everything, including the dessert, was forever in my heart, in my favorite memories „folder”. I remember my kid’s red noses and their happy little eyes… Probably the hypnotic effect of the poppy seeds was precisely what we needed after such a trip :) Anyway, winter is far away… At least, that’s my hope. Spring is here. Blackberries. Strawberries. Raspberries. Sun. Green. Blue. Yellow. Gold. Light…
A wonderful cake for a beautiful day! Easy to prepare & so delicious, with a well-deserved festive touch from the cream cheese frosting… What to celebrate? Spring! Spring is here…
85 g unsalted butter, at room temperature + 245 g sugar + zest of 2 lime + 50 g poppy seeds170 ml milk
235 g flour + 2 tsp baking powder + a little salt
3 egg whites, mix until it becomes a dense foam
150 g blackberries, mashes (with the fork)
Cream cheese frosting
130 g Philadelphia cream cheese, very cold
50 g unsalted butter, at room temperature + 250-300 g confectioner’s sugar
Heat the oven to 170 degrees C. Prepare a round cake tray (removable bottom), with butter and baking paper. Mix well the butter, sugar, lime zest, and poppy seeds. Slowly add the milk, mixing (the consistency is not homogenous yet). In another bowl mix flour, baking powder, and salt, then add the poppyseeds cream, in three steps, mixing well each time. With a silicone spatula scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl, making sure there are no solid parts left. Add the mashed blackberries, mix slowly. Add the egg whites foam and mix carefully. Pour the batter into the prepared tray and cook in the heated oven for 30 minutes. Let the cake cool in the tray. Prepare the cream cheese frosting: mix well with the butter and sugar, until you obtain a fluffy foam; add the cream cheese and mix for approx 5 minutes; do not over-mix. When the cake is cold, put the cake on the plate you like and put the frosting on top. Lovely ♥
Killing me softly mai pot spune in momentul asta ! :))) Si gata ! Plec ! :))) Droolin’ along … :))))))
Offfffffffffffffffffffff, Deli, Deli, Deli !! Cum ma faci tu sa cad in ispita…. Zilele astea pacatuiesc, clar ! :))
Pupicei xoxoxo
Ei, cine va arata cel mai bine in bikini on the beach? Felicitari pentru determinare! Ma tot gandesc sa fac pizza ta… Arata atat de minunat, atat de „vero italiano” (excuse my italian) :) :) Trebuie sa-mi iau inima in dinti pana la urma :) Pupici xoxo
n-am mai citit. mi s-a rupt filmul la prajitura cu… :D
de cand iti citesc blogul, as manca prajituri dimineata, la pranz si seara. oare as pati ceva?… :)
Hmmmm, sa ma gandesc ce titlu sa gasesc pentru a nu se rupe filmul… atat de repede :D
:) Sa le variem putin: dimineata cookies sau cupcakes/muffins si o cafea, la pranz carrot cake & cream cheese frosting, seara un pic de ciocolata, ca e recomandata pentru buna dispozitie :)
Te pup, Claudia! Te astept in continuare pe blog :)
Ehhh,sper cel putin, fiindca tinem o dieta destul de blanda,cam cu de toate,fara zahar si grasimi (doar 1-2 lgt ulei masline pe zi), si cum eu deja mancam in felul asta (mai mult sau mai putin) impactul nu e violent, si nici nu visez sa dau 1 kg pe sapt. :))) Deci e lent si lung calvarul meu fara dulciuri. :)) Dar saptamana asta o chestie mica tot o fac. :))) Ca prea m-ai ispitit !!! :)) Te pupic !
Ahh, cat despre pizza, incearc-o! :) Ai sa vezi cat e de buna…uhmmm…
Singurul meu sfat e ca atunci cand intinzi aluatul cu mainile in tava sa ai grija sa fie foaaaarteeee subtire, fiindca va mai creste cativa mm. Cand intind, pe alocuri e chiar transparent aluatul,deci cat poti de subtire.Intinde-l spre margini si aluatul in plus ia-l,daca ramane,fiindca daca il lasi,vei avea un pic de blat,nu va mai fi supersubtire.Depinde mult de tava fiecaruia,dar daca faci asa,intinzi inspre margini si tai surplusul,vei vedea ce minunatie de pizza iti va iesi.Si incearca sa gasesti mozzarella pt pizza,nu cealalta,ca lasa zer.Daca gasesti doar in zer,o tai cubulete si o pui intr-o sita sa se scurga,cu vreo 1-2 ore inainte de a da pizzuca la cuptor,si in felul asta nu mai ai probleme. :) Pupici ! :*:*:*:*
Multumesc pentru tips, precious :) Foarte importante!
Te pup
Pup si eu, scumpa mea !
Deci asta e reteta ‘succesului’ Deli… Dimineata, pranz si seara addicted to chocolate :)) Arata minunat prajitura !!! Pupici
Ah, ce ma fac? Secretul s-a aflat!!! :D
Frumoasa combinatie de arome! Tempting that’s for sure!
Multumesc frumos, Alina. O prajitura de primavara :)
Wow! Arata fantastic! Si imi place foarte mult si vasul pe care este asezata. Pot sa intreb de unde l-ai luat? :-) Cred ca incerc si eu prajitura cat de curand, cu capsuni sau zmeura. :-)
Gabi, sincer, nu mai stiu de unde l-am luat. Imi plac tare mult si incerc sa le aduc cu mine de peste tot, chiar si din vacante :) Daca vad pe undeva, iti spun. Ma bucur tare mult ca iti place prajitura. O zi frumoasa iti doresc