Scroll down for English version: Apple pie smoothie
Ideea unei placinte cu mere „la pahar”, gata in cateva minute,  fara cuptor, mi s-a parut irezistibila.  Mai ales zilele acestea cand alerg mereu si as vrea ca ziua sa aibe 48 de ore… Cel putin 48 de ore… Ce bucurie cand am descoperit acest smoothie  „scotocind” prin postarile fb ale Andreei de la The Hobby.  Simplu si rapid, aromat, tocmai bun pentru o zi de toamna. In plus, ieri am primit mierea crema cu vanilie de la, ecologica si minunat de delicioasa. Super happy! Ce sa pregatesc eu cu aceasta miere, repede-repede, dimineata, inainte sa plece copiii la scoala? Un smoothie de „placinta cu mere” :) Un mic dejun ultra rapid, de toamna ♥ O toamna frumoasa si aromata!

100 g  caju crud + 320 ml apa rece
300 g piure de mere (mere curatate de coaja si samburi, rase pe razatoarea de sticla, ca piureul pentru bebelusi)
1 lgt scortisoara + 1/4 lgt ienibahar
4 lgt miere crema cu vanilie (de la
putina sare de mare

Mixam bine caju si apa intr-un blender, apoi adaugam restul ingredientelor si continuam sa amestecam. Servim imediat.

Gata! Mmmm, aromat, vegan, de post. Super mic dejun sau desert, gata in cateva minute.
Am adaptat putin reteta aceasta. Pofta buna!

English version: Apple pie smoothie

I loved the idea of an effortless apple pie, cuddled in one glass, flavored with cinnamon and allspice.  No baking, no time consumed in the kitchen… Actually, I found this delicious ideea while browsing Andreea’s (The Hobby) facebook postings, with details here and I adapted it a little. How could I resist this temptation, when these days I feel time is running out so fast and I wish the day had 48 hours… At least 48 hours… Besides, last evening I received the perfect honey vanilla cream,  ecological and delicious. Super happy! So, this morning I prepared the perfect breakfast, an apple pie smoothie. An autumn breakfast…. Have a beautiful autumn!   ♥
100 g raw cashews + 320 ml cold water
300 g apple sauce
1 tsp cinnamon + 1/4 tsp allspice (ground)
4 tsp  vanilla honey cream  –
a pinch of sea saltMix well cashews and water, using a blender, then add the rest of the ingredients and keep blitzing until you get a smooth silky delicious smoothie. Serve right away. Enjoy!