Delicioase clatite cu smantana… Perfecte servite cu sirop de agave si migdale ♥  Un mic dejun delicios, minunat pentru duminica dimineata :)

Pancakes cu migdale si sirop de agave

285 g faina + 2 lgt praf de copt + 1 lgt sare + 50 g zahar
2 oua (separate albusuri, galbenusuri)
150 ml smantana
150 ml lapte
55 g unt nesarat, topit si racit

Amestecam faina, praful de copt, sarea si zaharul. Intr-un alt vas amestecam galbenusurile, smantana, laptele si untul. Adaugam  ingredientele uscate peste cele lichide si amestecam bine. Separat, cu un mixer, amestecam albusurile de ou pana obtinem o spuma densa. Adaugam spuma de albus peste aluatul de clatite si amestecam usor. Incingem o tigaie, ungem tigaia cu putin unt, punem un polonic de aluat in tigaie; cand incep sa iasa bule de aer din aluat, intoarcem clatita pe partea cealalta. Gata :)

Pancakes cu migdale si sirop de agave


Siropul de agave si migdale

100 g migdale crude
200 ml sirop de agave + 40 g unt nesarat

Incingem cuptorul la 200 grade  Celsius. Coacem migdalele aprox 5 minute. Incalzim usor siropul de agave, adaugam untul si migdalele, amestecam.

Pancakes cu migdale si sirop de agave

Pancakes cu migdale si sirop de agave


English version: American pancakes with almonds and agave syrup

Delicious american pancakes with sour cream… Perfect with almond & agave syrup… A real treat breakfast for sunday morning, for all family :)

285 g flour + 2 tsp baking powder + 1 lgt salt + 50 g sugar
2 eggs (separated)
150 ml sour cream
150 ml milk
55 g unsalted butter, melted and cooled

Mix the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Separately, mix egg yolks, sour cream, milk, and butter. Add the dry ingredients and mix well. Beat the egg whites until you have soft peaks of foam. Add the egg whites foam and mix carefully. Heat a pan, and add a little bit of butter, and pancake mixture; when bubbles form at the surface, turn the pancakes. Ready :)

Almonds & agave syrup

100 g almonds, raw, unsalted
200 ml agave syrup + 40 g unsalted butter

Heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Add the almonds and bake for 5 minutes. Heat the agave syrup, then add the butter and the almonds; mix well. Delicious with pancakes :)