Scroll down for English version: Moroccan watermelon salad
3 zile de canicula au anuntat la meteo ieri si chiar tind sa-i cred de aceasta data… Vantul nu mai adie, frunzele au incremenit, nemiscate si arsita cuprinde totul… 3 zile fara cuptor…  Nu-i problema! Atatea fructe si legume delicioase, incat poate nu-i voi simti lipsa… Hmmm, desi tare as coace o prajitura. Macar niste brownies… In curand :)
Un desert mai potrivit pentru canicula, nici ca puteam gasi: salata de pepene verde, atat de simpla si atat de minunata. Am incercat-o pentru prima data acum vreo 3 ani, in Marrakech, si mi-a cucerit inima. Din vizita in Maroc am ramas iremediabil indragostita de apa de fleur d’oranger, lapte de migdale, mirodenii, tajine cu pui, lamai murate si masline verzi sau  incredibila patiserie marocana. Suava, parca nu ar avea ceva in comun cu traditionalele dulciuri arabesti atat de dulci si insiropate. Trebuie sa-mi fac timp sa pregatesc delicioasele „corne de gazelle”, cele mai fine cornulete cu migdale pe care le-am gustat vreodata… Pana una alta, am taiat cubulete jumatate de pepene verde, am amestecat zaharul pudra si apa de flori de portocal si am cules menta proaspata din gradina mea. O nebunie rece, racoritoare, cu arome marocane. Pofta buna!

Watermellon marocan salad (3 of 3)

1 castron cubulete de pepene rosu, fara samburi si coaja
4 linguri apa de flori de portocal (l’eau de fleur d’oranger) + 2 lgt zahar pudra
menta proaspata

Amestecam apa de flori de portocal cu zaharul pudra pana se dizolva zaharul. Turnam peste pepene si amestecam cu grija. Pastram la frigider minim o ora, servim foarte rece, presarat cu frunze de menta verde, proaspata. Pofta buna!  ♥

English version: Moroccan Watermelon Salad

Summer is far from being over in Bucharest. 3 days of  very hot weather are expected, again. At least 35 degrees Celsius. 3 days without my oven? Not a problem! Or is it? Although I have so many fresh fruits and vegetables to choose from right now, and the perfect food is a tabuleh salad, I’m still constantly thinking of baking something :) At least some brownies…
The best dessert I could prepare for these hot days was this delicious marocan salad. I’ve first tried it in in Marrakech, almost 3 years ago and it stole my heart. So easy to prepare yet so special and refreshing. I’ll allways remember the great time we had in Morocco and the delicious almonds milk, spices, chicken tajine with pickled lemon and green olives, the incredible Moroccan pastries. I just love the „corne de gazelle”, the most delicate almond pastry I have ever tried. I’ll have to try baking some of this soon. Untill then, chill with a refreshing, mint flavored watermelon salad. Enjoy! 

1/2 watermelon, cut in  little cubes, seeds removed
4 tablespoons fleur d’oranger water + 2 teaspoons of confectioners sugar
fresh mint leafs

Mix sugar and  fleur d’oranger water until sugar dissolves well.  Pour the syrup over the watermelon and mix carefully. Refrigerate for minimum 1 hour. Serve chilled, with fresh mint leafs. Enjoy!